Price: 50 Euro / session, one session takes 50 minutes.

Sex therapy

Sexuality is an important aspect of life and love relationships. Being human involves experiencing passion, eroticism, sexual intimacy and the exchange of affection. The sexual act is one of the moments when the life force in us manifests itself most obviously. Sexual energy is very powerful and it deeply affects our way of being, thinking and the general state.

Sexuality has extremely beneficial consequences on the human body and psyche, as well as on communication and relationships in couples. Making love can be one of the most fulfilling and satisfying experiences we live, but unfortunately, many people fail to enjoy this pleasure. Studies show that 70% of women have never experienced an orgasm during sexual intercourse, and 30% of men suffer from premature ejaculation (Gottman Institute).

Psychosexuality therapy addresses sexual disorders that occur on an individual level and in couples. In this form of therapy, the psychological dimensions of the disorders or difficulties are worked on, while the anatomical and physiological elements are treated medically.

Sex therapists- or sexologists – are specialized in helping couples or individuals discover the emotional barriers that stop them from having a fulfilling sex life. In most cases, sexual problems are the result of negative feelings, unpleasant or even traumatic experiences. Most people bring to their sex life the emotional or mental problems they face the rest of the time: fear, anxiety, stress, anger, frustration, lack of self-confidence, a bad image of themselves, emotional tensions and conflicts that arise within the relationship.

The topics that appear most often in psychosexual therapy are:

– a better self-knowledge in the field of sexuality, the discovery of sexual needs and desires, the way in which they can be communicated and overcoming the blockages in fulfilling them
– psychoeducation regarding the anatomy and physiology of human sexuality, the specific
elements of male and female sexuality, techniques to improve sexual life
– maintaining and developing sexuality in various stages of life
– trauma and sexual abuse
– problems of sexual orientation and the choice of gender identity
– addictions of a sexual nature (masturbation addiction, pornography addiction, sex
addiction, etc.)
– lack of orgasm
– lack of sexual desire
– vaginismus
– pain during sexual intercourse
– sexual aversion towards the partner
– erection problems
– premature ejaculation
– delayed ejaculation or difficulties in ejaculation

In general, sex therapy sessions are similar to those of other forms of psychotherapy, but focus more on issues related to sexuality and intimacy. The main purpose of the session is to help the client to identify and overcome his sexual problems and to live the best possible sex life. The sessions take place on the principle of confidentiality and respect for each client.